Tuesday, June 5, 2007

So proud

I am so proud of Austin. When I picked him up at school today he was wearing the same clothes I dropped him off in. No accidents today! Whoooo hooooooo! He even woke up from his nap dry. There's no turning back now, he's on his way to being a big boy. I was so proud of him when I saw that he had the same clothes on that my eyes welled up with tears. At that moment I realized my little boy is growing up. I can't say it enough, I am so proud of him!

Because he's doing so well with potty training he is going to start transitioning to the preschool room at school on Monday. He'll start by visiting a few hours a day and eventually will transition to all day. He's very excited about going into the "big kid" room and playing on their playground. He will also be reunited with some of his friends that have already transitioned. I can't believe we're going to have to start thinking about sending him to preschool. He's growing up way too fast...


Anonymous said...

Now things will start happening faster then you can keep up with. Staying over at friends houses, birthday parties without you,him ask to ride his bike around the block ALONE,then comes the girls, driver permit,graduation, STOP!!!!!!!!!
lock him a closed, I'm not ready to give him up. Now I'm crying. Things happen to fasts.
Better go
love Grandma Ringman

Anonymous said...

STOP!!! Is right, it's hard to believe our Bubbie is going to go to pre-school.

Angie your right what happened to all of those years?????

Andrea cherish all of these precious moments, the time will go by much too fast.

Grandma Richards

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