Thursday, November 29, 2007

Santa 2007

We took the kids to see Santa tonight at the mall. Austin did great. Abigail did good for about 5 pictures then puckered her lower lip and started to cry!

Austin is so into Christmas this year, I love it. He carried on a conversation with Santa the entire time I picked which picture we wanted and paid for it. It was so cute! Their conversation went a little like this:

Santa ~ "So what do you want for Christmas?"

Austin ~ "A tractor."

Santa ~ "What you mean, what kind of tractor do you want? A John Deere tractor?"

Austin ~ "Yeah, a John Deere tractor so I can go out in the yard and mow the grass. I need a tractor with a wheel." (We're not sure what a tractor with a wheel means???)

Santa ~ "OK. Dad, did you hear that?"

Austin kept talking and Santa kept listening. He was so cute! I can't wait until they're both into Christmas like Austin is this year.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Jingle Bell Rock

I couldn't get Austin to do any dancing for me, but Abigail was having a good time!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Who do the kids look like?

My outdoor decor

The weather finally warmed up yesterday (it was in the low 60's) so I was able to get outside and finish up our outdoor decorations. The weather has been in the low 40's and rainy/windy/overcast since Thanksgiving.

Of course Austin had to take the opportunity to mow.

I was so happy about the bow I made for my tree that I made some for the outside of the house too. Here's a close up picture of them.

We didn't put any lights on the house, just on the bushes outside the window. And, the garland also has lights on it. I think it looks great, and Austin loves it!

And yes, the Michigan flag is a must at our house during football season! I'll put our winter flag out after they play their last game. Michael is hoping Michigan goes to the Alamo Bowl so he can go to the game in San Antonio.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Oh Christmas Tree

First, this is post #200 for this year. I can't believe I've talked about my kids that much! Well...I guess I can!

We started to put up our Christmas tree on Friday and finished yesterday. When I first started getting things out I thought we were going to have issues with Abigail. She started playing with the lights when I plugged them in, but was fine once I started putting the tree up and getting the lights on it. So far she hasn't paid the tree much attention. Here are some pictures from our three day project.
Just testing the tree

Both of the kids are fascinated with the lights this year

Austin thought we should document the evening. The next two pictures are courtesy of him...

I guess he wanted to document what his feet looked like too

This picture is a little blurry, but Abigail is putting her ornament on the tree she got from Grandma Great last year

Getting into things, but at least she was happy

Austin was very into putting the ornaments on the tree this year. I think he put 3/4 of the ornaments on the tree.

And, like last year, the ornaments ended up being placed on the bottom 1/4 of the tree and in bunches

My new tree topper. I made it!!!!

The final picture

The ornaments are all where Austin placed them. I think that makes our tree unique. I love it.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Pre-walking fun

Abigail was practicing her walking skills the other night while I was getting her bath water ready. She was having a great time.

Her hair was sticking up because she has a pony tail in her hair earlier in the day.

Turkey Day 2007

Here are some pictures from our turkey dinner on Thanksgiving. We ended up having about half of our turkey left for left overs! The entire day was pretty uneventful. We ate as soon as Michael got home from work and then relaxed for the rest of the evening.

The 19.5 lb turkey

In the bag and ready for the oven. (Note: it is not easy to put a 19.5 lb turkey in an oven bag by yourself)

Austin made Kool-Aid while the turkey was cooking

Out of the oven & ready to eat

Everything else we ate (the gravy was still on the stove)

Abigail got to try mashed potatoes and sweet potatoes. I put some on a plate and let her go!




Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving always gets us thinking of things we are thankful for. Some things I'm grateful for are:

T is for Tradition. I love that our family is starting some of our own traditions.

H is for my Husband. Who has served for his country and always puts his family first.

A is for Austin & Abigail. I have two beautiful, healthy children.

N is for Nap time. Sometimes it is the only time I get to myself!

K is for Knowing friends and family can stay in touch with us through the internet and our blog.

F is for Family. We have the greatest family. I can't wait until we live closer to everyone.

U is for Unlimited night & weekend minutes. I always catch up with everyone on the weekends.

L is for Love. Without love we wouldn't be where we are today.

This year I'm making turkey dinner again. I got a 19.5 lb turkey to make this year! And of course all of the fixings. (I sounded southern there for a minute!) My parents had a good laugh at my adventures in finding a turkey the other night, so I promised them before and after pictures of our huge turkey. Michael wanted to make sure we had plenty of leftovers so we'll see how much turkey we have left. Last year I think I made a 12 lb turkey and didn't have many leftovers. I prepared the sweet potatoes, green bean casserole and five cup salad last night. All I have to do is stick the potatoes and casserole in the oven today. We're also having mashed potatoes and gravy, stuffing, corn, rolls and of course pumpkin pie!

I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

A new video

Check out our Holiday video for 2007.

Click here to watch it.

New blog design

I couldn't wait until after Thanksgiving to put my new blog design on here! I think I've figured out all the tricks of designing my own template, and now I'm addicted!

What do you think of the new look?

Look for a new design after Christmas too!

Austin's routine before bed

Austin always has to take a toy to bed. Usually it's not just one toy, but several. Not just one tractor, but three. Not just one train, but three. Not just one doggie, but three or four. The other day he couldn't lay down in his bed to take a nap because there were too many animals in his bed. After he falls asleep, I'll go in and remove the toys from his bed so he has some room to sleep. Some days I think he might get some better sleep if he had a bigger bed, but then I'm afraid that will only mean he has more room to hoard toys when he goes to bed.

Do you see the big doggie in the picture? That's Barkley. Austin got Barkley from Michael & Judy at the Veterinary Clinic I worked at while Michael was deployed. He. Loves. Him. He told me yesterday that Barkley was his favorite. So you know what that means, Barkley also has to be in the bed most nights too!

I think my favorite thing about being a Mom is watching my kids sleep. They look so peaceful, and not to mention cute!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

More teeth

Abigail now has four teeth. Her top two teeth have finally made their way through. It shouldn't be long before she smiles and we see all of her teeth. In the few short days since she's gotten all of her top teeth through she's already picked up the bad habit of gritting her teeth. If I remember correctly, Austin did the same thing when his first came in too. It must be because it's something new. It drives me crazy, but for now I'm ignoring it in hopes that the urge to grit her teeth passes quickly.

She is really starting to cruise along the furniture. She's also let go a few times when she's standing against something. She'll let go and stand by herself for about 10 seconds at a time. I don't think she realizes what she's doing yet, but it puts her one step closer to the walking milestone.

Our Christmas tree and decorations are going up on Friday so it should be interesting to see how she reacts to everything. We didn't have a tree up at our house for Austin's first Christmas because Michael was getting ready to leave for Iraq and we were packing our things up to put in storage. We also traveled to Michigan that year for the holidays. I can almost guarantee Abigail will test the waters with the tree. We'll see what happens!

Where are the kids?

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Geared up for the big game

Yesterday was the highly anticipated Michigan vs Ohio State football game. Daddy dressed the kids in their Michigan gear to cheer on our team. We also had people over for a BBQ while we watched the game. Our team lost, but don't the kids look cute?!?!?!?!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

What I love about Austin

I feel like I haven't blogged much about Austin lately. Every day he does something that makes me laugh or realize how big he's really getting. Here are some of the highlights:

Allergist appointment: Austin went last week to the allergist to have his allergies re-evaluated and discuss the possibility of him having asthma. The doctor determined from his physical examination that Austin does in fact have allergies and asthma. We are in the process of determining the severity of his asthma and experimenting with some medications for his allergies. He is taking Nasonex along with another medication at night before bedtime and Zyrtec (an antihistamine) each morning. The doctor thinks that Austin wakes each night at or around 3:00 a.m. as this is the peak time for nasal congestion. I haven't noticed a significant change so far, but hopefully it will help him in the long run. He goes back to see the allergist on December 11th.

He takes his medicine like a champ. (Especially when you tell him it tastes like gum!)

Potty training: He's almost there, thanks in part to Sponge Bob Squarepants. I really didn't want it to get to that point, but bribing him with Krabby Patties has helped with getting him to go poop on the potty. If he goes poop in the potty and not in his underwear, he gets three "Sponge Bob Candies". Some days are better than others but he hasn't pooped in his underwear in a long time. His biggest hurdle to overcome at this stage in the game is taking time to go potty when he's busy playing. The accidents are happening less often and hopefully one day it will all come together.

Just some random things I love about Austin at this age:

  • He's becoming so independent. I love to watch him play by himself.
  • I love the way he talks to his sister. He always speaks to her in a high pitched voice when he says something nice. For example, he likes to say, "Hey there baby girl". And when she's doing something she's not suppose to it sounds like, "No no sweetie, we don't play with ..."
  • He's so polite and has good manners. If I had to say one thing we've done right in raising Austin, I'd be confident in saying we've raised him to be polite and have good manners. He says please and thank you for almost everything. Every once in a while he needs to be reminded, but he usually says it on his own automatically.
  • He is really starting to get into sports. He is constantly kicking around a soccer ball, shooting a basketball at his hoop and asking us to play baseball with him. And I must say he can hit a baseball when we pitch it to him like a champ. I can't wait for another couple of years so he can start playing organized sports.
  • He's so smart and absorbs everything. And I mean everything!

We love Texas weather. Where else can you get ice cream from the ice cream man in November? Especially Spiderman ice cream!

I can't believe he's going to be four years old in a couple of months. I realized today when he buckled his own seat belt in the car that he's not a "toddler" any more. He's a little boy, and he's growing up way too fast...

Our weekend

Abigail and I had a great weekend with Leslie and Reagan. Abigail and Reagan were so cute together. Of course, that was after they figured out they couldn't have each other's sippy cups. I'm hoping we can get together again for a girls weekend soon.

On our way home from Leslie and Reagan's we met up with my friend Emily for some lunch at Cracker Barrel. It was so nice to see her and catch up. I think the last time we saw each other was right after Austin was born. Maybe I can turn Abigail into a traveler after all, we had so much fun!
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers