Thursday, July 30, 2009

School Supplies

1 box of Crayola markers ~ $2.50

1 pair of scissors ~ $1.50

1 set of watercolor paints ~ $2.00

2 pink erasers ~ $1.00

2 spiral notebooks ~ $0.30

4 boxes of tissue ~ $3.47

2 bottles of white glue ~ $0.50

4 boxes of Crayola crayons ~ $1.00

5 plastic folders ~ $0.75

30 glue sticks ~ $3.75

24 #2 pencils ~ $1.00

1 supply box ~ $0.62

2 packages of 3 x 5 index cards ~ $1.28

Sending our kid to Kindergarten ~ PRICELESS

Austin's school supply shopping is complete. We got everything he needs at the store tonight to beat the rush as it gets closer to the first day of school. I can not believe he's going to be in Kindergarten! He returns to school on August 24th!

Friday, July 24, 2009

How do they do it?

For the first week after Michael left, I let the kids sleep with me. Let's face it, we all needed to get some sleep and I wasn't going to fight them to sleep in their own beds. It didn't last for long because I was the only one not getting a good nights sleep.

I've now got them on a strict routine. They've been going to bed in their own beds, usually between 8 and 8:30. Granted, I have to sit in the hallway between their rooms so they'll stay in bed, but at least I've got them going to sleep in their own beds. Plus, this gives me a little time to wind down by reading my book or doing a Sudoku puzzle (or three). Eventually I'll work on them going to sleep without me having to be in the hallway.

Keeping them in bed all night is the only thing we still need to work on. Austin will pretty much stay in his bed and asleep all night. Abigail on the other hand, generally makes her way into my room about midnight or shortly there after. At this point I haven't faithfully taken her back to her room to get back into her bed, because again, I need my sleep to survive!

They've gotten pretty good at sneaking in, I usually don't notice them until I get up in the morning. The other morning I woke up and discovered that they'd both come into my room.

This is what I found:

You would think they were twins by the way they drape all over each other when they're sleeping!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

We love Jimmy!

~ Pictures Added ~
Just wanted to show Chris & Christine how much of an impression the "real" Jimmy left on the kids.

The real Jimmy!

We might have to find Abigail her own Jimmy. Neither one likes to share him with the other!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Who needs a hair cut?

They both did! Austin went first so Abigail could see how it's done since this was her first time.

We wanted to get Abigail's hair trimmed before Michael left so he could be there, but our favorite stylist was on vacation. We decided to have Abigail's hair trimmed in hopes that it would help the growing process along. Carol's been cutting Austin's hair for well over 3 years now, so we knew we wanted her to be the first one (and probably the only one while we live in Texas) to cut her hair.

I tried to get some before shots, but this is the best I could do.

I tried to put her in the chair first, but she wasn't having it. After she saw Austin get his hair cut she was all about it!

She was perfect!

Let's hope this encourages the growing process!

After haircuts we treated ourselves to Chick-Fil-A for dinner. The kids must have been hungry because Austin ate 7 chicken nuggets plus his fruit and Abigail ate all three of her chicken nuggets and her fries.

It's a bird, it's a plane, it's an alien???

Austin has been going to the library on post every Wednesday with his daycare. The library is hosting a summer reading program and they have a different theme each week. So every Wednesday Austin wears his library shirt and brings home a bag full of goodies. This weeks theme was outer space. When I picked Austin up he had made an alien hat. I absolutely love it!

What a look!

I love him to pieces. I look forward to picking him up on the days he's gone on a field trip. He always has so much to tell me!

The 4th of July

This 4th of July held extra special meaning to our family this year. The kids and I were here celebrating our freedom while Michael is in Iraq serving our country.

The kids and I hung out at home all morning then headed to a friends house for a barbecue in the afternoon.

Little Miss wouldn't let me take her picture like her brother

But I was really proud of her hair-do and hair bow I made her! Her hair was sectioned off and accessorized with red, white & blue hair ties!

We attempted to get on post to see Dierks Bentley in concert, but decided to return home to watch the fireworks on post from our porch.

We stopped for snacks since we couldn't find a parking spot at the fest on post.

While waiting for the fireworks to start we had a mini photo session!

My Mom made these awesome cards for the kids and I

Inside was a special note along with some star confetti

So that's what we did

Great idea Mom, the kids loved it! (And I hope you don't mind that I shared!)

The pictures of the fireworks aren't great, but I just wanted to show you how close our house was to the show!

I hope everyone had a great 4th of July!


It has been very hot here lately. Temperatures have been reaching the hundreds almost daily. The kids really wanted noodles to use in their pool when we were at the store last week, so they each got one. We came right home and set up the swimming pool. I think the pictures explain themselves!

Have I mentioned how much I love my camera lately?
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers