Thursday, July 12, 2007

5 months

Our girl is 5 months old today. I can't believe how fast the time has gone by. She's really starting to interact with us more, it's so fun! She loves sitting in her bouncy seat, evident in the movie in the previous post! She continues to be my grand champion sleeper, sleeping every night from around 8:30 pm until around 6:00 am the next morning. She is still on the verge of rolling over and is showing interest in sitting up. I don't know what I'll do when they're both on the move, Austin is busy enough as it is! She is holding on to toys and especially likes her crinkly baby. She's even discovered how to pull her brother's hair when she doesn't want him in her face! Her's so contagious. I managed to get a little bit of it the other day. I just want to apologize in advance for my obnoxious sounding voice in the video! Enjoy!


Angela said...

Sleeping through the night must be a girl thing. Riley was a great sleeper too. We will have to see how Brenden is when he comes home.

Austin and Abigail are getting so big. Riley loves to watch the videos and see the new pictures of the kids. Hope to see you all soon.


Anonymous said...

Who cares what you sound like we're too busy looking at the baby to notice.....


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