Monday, April 28, 2008

She's fearless

Now if I could only get her to put away the dishes she takes out of the dishwasher. Then I wouldn't have to re-wash half of them!

Posted by Andi

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Month of the Military Child Fest

When we got to the Fest, the kids were a little sleepy. Abigail fell asleep in the car and Austin looked like he was about to.

As we got closer they started to perk up. Austin thought all the snakes were cool.

They each got Fire Chief hats. Abigail wouldn't wear hers, but Austin wore his the entire time we were at the Fest. I couldn't get him to climb on the fire truck to get a picture, this was the closest I could get.

Then of course he had to play all the games they had set up. Here he was playing the bean bag toss.

And of course he had to get a round of golf in. He wasn't quite sure how to hold the big golf club, it's much different than his plastic ones.

Here's Austin with his balloon sword. He had to have one, so we waited in line for about 5 minutes. Then he had to go potty, so when we came back, we had to wait in line for another 5 minutes. But, he got his balloon and I didn't have to hear any more whining about it!

All the food at the Fest was free, including popsicle's!

The kids enjoyed theirs on the way to the car.

Once we got to the Fest, the weather turned really warm. I totally forgot about sunscreen so I got a little red and so did Abigail. Luckily, it's only Abigail's nose and cheeks that are pink. Next time I'll have to remember sunscreen!

I'm pretty sure Austin had a great time. As we were leaving the Fest he said, "Mommy, I had fun." I'm glad he had a good time, after all, the Fest was for him and his sister.

Posted by Andi

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Smart girl

Setting: Abigail and I are in the living room, Austin's laying in my bed watching SpongeBob and Michael's at work.

I was just sitting at the computer checking my email and catching up on my blog reading when Abigail left the living room. She went to the pantry and got a package of her fruit snacks out. She brought them to me and grunted to have them opened. Once opened, I handed them back to her where she proceeded to sit down on the floor and eat them. After they were all gone, she got up, took her trash to the garbage can and threw it away. She's so smart!

I'm off to take my children to the Month of the Military Child Fest. Fort Hood is saluting our youth for their role in supporting our military families in a FREE day of honor and appreciation. It's hosted by my employer (Child & Youth Services) and a couple other organizations. They hold the fest annually, but this is the first time we've attended. it should be fun and provide me with some pictures for the blog! I've been slacking lately!

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Posted by Andi

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Silly kids

I swear, every time I take a picture of Austin he's eating something. I can't remember what he was eating this day, but I think he was enjoying a sucker!

Posted by Andi

Saturday, April 19, 2008

I'm so excited!!!!!

I just commented on my friend Leslie's blog that I was jealous because she could put piggy tails in her daughters hair. I knew Abigail's hair was getting long on the top so I attempted it yesterday. It worked!!!!!! Poor girl had piggy tails yesterday and today. I didn't get a good picture yesterday, but got a couple today, I'm so excited!!!!!!!!

Posted by Andi

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Another fun night at the ball park

Strapped into the stroller that is! Isn't Abigail cute eating her marshmallows? I think my kids would eat marshmallows for breakfast, lunch and dinner if I let them. They love them!

I wasn't able to get a picture of Austin, he was too busy running around playing with the other kids. I don't think he sat down the entire time. Maybe he'll sleep all night tonight?!?!?!?!

Posted by Andi

Sunday, April 13, 2008

I smell trouble...

...and her name is Abigail. She is climbing on everything.

It reminds me of when her brother was the same age.
(Yes, that's Austin in the picture below. It still amazes me how much they look alike!)

This month seems like it's been extremely busy for us. We're already half way through the month and I've only taken a hand full of pictures. Michael's still playing softball which is once, sometimes twice a week and I've finally motivated myself to exercise. I've been going to a step aerobics class on Monday's and Wednesday's. Well, I just started last week, but I'm planning on going each week. I can't imagine what it's going to be like when the kids are both involved in activities. I suppose it will feel a little like it does now. Except we'll be worrying about who's going to take which child to their activity. Secretly, I can't wait!

I've put Austin on the waiting list for parent & child swim lessons for this summer. Because he's under five, a parent has to be with him in the pool. The classes will be in the evenings so it shouldn't be too hot by the time we get in the pool. Since Michael isn't too fond of swimming, I'll be attending the class with Austin. I think it will be good for all of us. Austin and I can have some one on one time while Michael and Abigail do the same.

I've also been toying with the idea of getting Austin into a preschool gymnastics class one day a week in the evening. He has so much energy to burn! I chatted with the instructor on Saturday and learned that the class is more about learning coordination than it is about gymnastics. She said they are busy the entire time and there are a couple other little boys in the class. Now I just have to talk Michael into it! He needs something. I think he's bored, which translates into getting in trouble!

Posted by Andi

Thursday, April 10, 2008

A voice from the bathroom said...

"Take my picture"

So I did. What a goof!

Posted by Andi

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Family pictures

Posted by Andi

A little preview

We had family pictures taken this morning. Here's a little preview, I'll post more later!

Friday, April 4, 2008

Take me out to the ball game

Michael is playing on a softball team with his company. Their first game was last night, so I packed up the kids in the wagon and headed to the ball park. Austin had a blast playing with some other little boys there and Abigail wore me out with all her running around. She wouldn't stay near us, she keep testing her distance. I can foresee a harness (click here to see what it is) in her future...

Unfortunately they lost the game because of one bad inning, but who am I kidding? I barely even saw any of the game. I was too busy trying to keep track of my kids! Who needs a gym membership when you have kids?

Posted by Andi

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers