Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Austin & Mommy's sunflowers

Austin and I planted sunflower seeds a few months ago. With all the rain we've gotten we haven't hardly had to water them. The flowers started to come out a couple of weeks ago. Here are some pictures. Austin says that the sunflowers "grew up," he's really excited about them!

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Abigail's new accomplishment

Abigail has taught herself how to blow raspberries. Of course it's not the cutest thing when she does is while eating her cereal and green beans like she did last night! But here's a video of her after she got all cleaned up.

And here's a picture of Abigail before we went to the store. Her Daddy was a little upset that she didn't have an under shirt on under her dress. I told him that it was ok for little girl babies to wear dresses without shirts. He still complained that her little chest might be exposed. He then proceeded to tell her how she would dress when she got older. I have a feeling she's going to have a very overprotective Daddy...

Thursday, July 26, 2007


I started this post then realized I had already posted the pictures of Abigail eating carrots! I didn't really want to erase it, so here it is anyways!

Now that Abigail is 5 months old she gets to start eating more solids and trying baby food. At school she is eating cereal for breakfast then eating cereal and baby food for lunch. She's still drinking four bottles during the day too! Can you say piggy? The girls at school tell me that she's all about eating. She's like a little birdie, she opens her mouth and waits for you to put the food in. She's been doing that on the weekends with me too. I have a feeling she's going to be my eater between her and her brother. First my sleeper and now my eater. The second time around is proving to be a breeze compared to the first one!

While we were home last week I tried carrots with her. (Austin decided he didn't want to go to school on Wednesday so he played sick! Just kidding, he really was sick.) She didn't quite know what to think about them. Apparently she loves green beans and peas. I'm going to give her some this weekend to see how she does.

I also had to take her to the doctor last Tuesday. We thought she may have had pink eye because her eyes had some pretty nasty drainage. It turns out she just had a cold, thank goodness. We also learned that she now weighs 14 lbs. 12 oz. and is 25 3/4 inches long. She's grown an inch and gained almost 2 lbs. in a month. Wow!

Since I already posted pictures of Abigail eating carrots, here are some of her sitting up. I think she's really getting anxious to get on the move. She can't sit on her own yet, she still needs some assistance. I think the Bumbo has really helped her back muscles get stronger. The date is off on the pictures. The camera was without batteries for a while so the date reset on me!

This picture reminds me of one with Austin playing with the remote at my parents house. I'll have to see if I can find it.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

3 1/2

Austin is 3 1/2 years old today. I can't believe he is going to be 4 years old in 6 months. Time goes by way too fast. Sometimes he forgets how old he is...

Monday, July 23, 2007

Blog anniversary

I started this blog exactly 3 years ago today. Can you believe it? This post is number 512. I sure like to brag about my kids! It's so hard to believe that 3 years ago we were moving down here and Austin was a little over a month older than Abigail is now. This is the first picture I posted to our blog. Oh how time flies. Anyways, you don't want to hear me ramble on, here are some pictures of the kids!

If you couldn't tell...Austin is feeding the baby just like Mommy feeds Abigail!

Oh, and don't forget to burp the baby!

Carrots, mmmmmmmmm...

She'll eat anything, even her fingers.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Mommy's barber shop

Because I didn't get Austin to the mall last weekend to get his hair cut I decided to do it myself. I used to cut Michael's hair all the time. I figured if I screwed it up too bad we could just buzz the rest of his head! It didn't turn out too bad!
This is before:

This is after:
And yes, that is a bruise on his cheek. He and the ledge by the front window came into close contact last Saturday. It looks worse now that it's healing then when it happened!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007


Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Our kid sure likes John Deere tractors! And this isn't even all of them...can you say spoiled????

Monday, July 16, 2007

Double take

I found some more pictures of Austin around the same age Abigail is now.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Our little Tigers fans

(Abigail is modeling one of the bows I made for her!)

Thursday, July 12, 2007

5 months

Our girl is 5 months old today. I can't believe how fast the time has gone by. She's really starting to interact with us more, it's so fun! She loves sitting in her bouncy seat, evident in the movie in the previous post! She continues to be my grand champion sleeper, sleeping every night from around 8:30 pm until around 6:00 am the next morning. She is still on the verge of rolling over and is showing interest in sitting up. I don't know what I'll do when they're both on the move, Austin is busy enough as it is! She is holding on to toys and especially likes her crinkly baby. She's even discovered how to pull her brother's hair when she doesn't want him in her face! Her laugh...it's so contagious. I managed to get a little bit of it the other day. I just want to apologize in advance for my obnoxious sounding voice in the video! Enjoy!

Rockin N Rollin

When we all get cleaned up together we like to turn the radio on and dance around while we're cleaning. The kids were really rockin last night!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Monday, July 9, 2007

Bumbo time

Abigail loves her bumbo. She will sit in it for 20 minutes at a time and play with her toys. She's even gotten to the point where she will reach to the side to get a toy if she's dropped it. She is also attempting to sit up when she's in her car seat and bouncy seat lately. She's almost rolled over a couple of times now too. If she could just figure out how to get that arm out of the way she would be over. She would probably get mad as tummy time is not her favorite.

The teachers at school tell me that she's developing quite the temper! Apparently she's been getting pretty worked up lately when she doesn't get her way. I can't say that it surprises me!

Sometimes big brother's need bumbo time too!
We didn't do anything exciting for the Fourth of July. We hung out at home all day and then watched fireworks in the evening. We attempted to go outside in the afternoon but just as we were heading out it started raining. Since Fort Hood is across the highway behind our house we got to see the fireworks show they put on! Abigail didn't get to bed before the fireworks started so she got to see the show too. She loved the fireworks. She watched them the whole time and even started cooing. Austin liked the show too but became bored after a while. Austin and Daddy were smart, they wore pants outside. I on the other hand, I had shorts on and received about 30 mosquito bites on my legs by the end of the night.

Austin transitioned to the preschool room at school a few weeks ago. Because he hasn't mastered the potty training thing he has to move back to his pre-toddler room. He continues to have accidents and is still pooping in his pants. We've come to the conclusion that he doesn't get the concept of having to go poop on the potty. Of course, that's something you can't teach him so we have to let it run it's own course and hope he gets the concept soon. It's so frustrating. It seems like all I'm doing is washing wet clothes each night. So because he's having accidents, it is pulling his teachers out of their ratio when they have to change him, which could potentially cause an issue should another child have an emergency. I don't think he was ready to transition in the first place, so hopefully this will work.

Hmmm...what else is going on? Things have been really busy at work. The days fly by because we've been short staffed and busy lately. I've come to the conclusion that it doesn't matter what my house looks like or if it's clean. I just don't have the time or the energy to do it all lately. Oh well, the kids are tucked in bed and it's time to make bottles. My little piggy has been drinking 12-15 ounces of milk and eating rice cereal the last few days at school. I'm so glad I decided to continue to breastfeeding after I went back to work. The breast pump I bought has already paid for itself. I do have to say that I'm going to be a little sad when I have to stop since Abigail is our last baby. Hopefully I can get Abigail to 12 months like I did Austin.

Hope everyone has a great week!

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Monday, July 2, 2007

Chuck E Cheese

I think my bribery might work! Let's just hope he remembers the reason why we got to go to Chuck E Cheese! We all had a great time tonight. I printed a coupon off the Internet which got us a large pizza, 3 drinks and 30 tokens for $20. It was just right for the 4 of us. Here are some fun pictures and a movie!

Playing air hockey with Daddy

He scored!

Playing basketball

Cashing in his tickets

I couldn't stop laughing at Austin tonight. He had so much fun. Each time he scored a goal against Daddy or did well playing skeet ball he would shout a big "Whoa hoo," it was so cute! Here's a movie of him playing skeet ball.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

On their way

Abigail is on her way to being mobile. Well, kind of! She can almost roll over. You should have seen all of us the other night. Michael, Austin and I were on the floor cheering her on as she was attempting to roll over. Austin took on the big brother roll and showed her how to roll over himself, but she couldn't quite figure out how to get her arm out from underneath herself. I'm sure she'll get it within the next couple of weeks.

The stickers she has on her shirt are from Austin. He got Hot Wheel stickers for going potty that day. Today he got Spiderman stickers! He is great with sharing, making sure to give everyone a sticker. He even gets to go to Chuck E Cheese tomorrow night because he went #2 on the potty today. If anyone has any suggestions on getting a 3 year old to do his business on the potty and not in his pants I'm open to the advice. At this point we're willing to try anything. He will go pee on the potty with no problem at all, but getting him to do the other is like pulling teeth. Bribing him with Chuck E Cheese is my latest attempt. We'll see how often we get to go there after tomorrow. He's never been there so I'm hoping he will have a lot of fun and want to go back!

Next stop...Hollywood?

Here's Ms. Hollywood in her shades.

And if we could just get her hair to grow a little faster so I could put pretty bows in her hair without it looking so goofy!

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers