Thursday, September 30, 2004

What a hair-do! Looks like a job for Lisa! Posted by Hello

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

My opinion about The Bachelor

Well, it looks like this season of the Bachelor is going to be kind of interesting! I was really disappointed that he picked that Krista girl, she seems a little psycho! I think she will be like Trish from last season, really creepy! I like the idea of him living with the women though. It might give him a little more advantage at getting to know them better than any of the past bachelors. Did you watch it Aunt Jan, Libby or Mom? Let me know what you think since I'm not there to watch it with you!

On another note...

Austin stood all by himself today for about 10 seconds! I've been standing him up and letting go slowly and he stands for a long time before he gets down. He doesn't even fall down like he looses his balance, it's more of a crouch down to be able to crawl somewhere. He is really starting to cruise around the furniture too! I think he will definitely walk before he's a year old. He's so funny, he is constantly pulling himself up on things. He likes to pull himself up on the walls too, just for the simple fact that he can do it!

He was really banging his pan with his spoon while I was making dinner tonight. He loves to help me unload the dishwasher too! I think he just likes to stand up and take all the silverware out and throw it on the floor! Oh well, I think I've washed the same spoon several times without even using it!

Well, I'm going to head up to bed. I only got about 5 hours total last night in between Austin getting up! He only took one long nap today and a short cat nap so hopefully he will sleep all night tonight!

Good night!


Austin's craft project from story time today! It's a polka-dot caterpillar! Good job Mommy! Posted by Hello

I wish he would have slept this peaceful last night, ALL NIGHT!!!! I don't understand why he seems to think he needs to get up for a couple of hours during the night still. It's so frustrating!!!! Posted by Hello

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

First taste of popsicle! Now he won't let a lick get past his mouth! Posted by Hello

Monday, September 27, 2004

Story time

We went to story time tonight at the library. It was pajama night so Austin wore his jammies to the library! He was so cute, he loves to watch all of the other children and actually listens to the story! I'm confused on why he will sit still to listen to somebody read a book in a group but won't one on one with me! Whenever I try to read to him he wants to crawl all over and try to eat the book! I'm sure his patience will get better s he gets a little older!

Well I guess he thought differently about going to bed right now! I hope it's not another late night like last night! He wouldn't go to bed until 11pm! Oh well, gotta go get him!


Goin' Swimmin'

Just a quick note...

Michael left this morning for the "field" and won't be back until late Wednesday night or early Thursday morning. We have the car to ourselves until then, weeeeeeeeeee! So, therefore we are going to take advantage of it! We are going swimming today with Jamie and Devlin, then we're headed to the library tomorrow or Wednesday! So exciting, I know!!!! The little stuff excites me these days!

Have a good Monday!


We're going swimming today! Posted by Hello

Sunday, September 26, 2004

Libby and Austin. Posted by Hello

Saturday, September 25, 2004

Our little baby is 8 months old today! Where does time go? Posted by Hello

Friday, September 24, 2004

The best kisses...

Austin has started to give us kisses lately! Even though they are open mouthed kisses, they are the best!!!!

I added some more pictures to Austin's photo albums. There are some of my favorite pictures in the album Austin I and there are more pictures in the Family & Friends album! Hope it's ok that I put some of your pictures on here! I think you'll especially like all of the pictures of Jackson!!! He is the cutest ever!

We've had news to not make definite plans for Michael's block leave in December because their deployment date may be changing. It would be a sooner date rather than later but we are still planning on coming to Michigan when he does get his time off. So as of right now, we will be leaving for Michigan on the 19th of December and need to return to Texas by the 1st. I'll keep you updated as we learn more. I hope we'll be able to spend Christmas with everyone. Who knows, Austin may be walking around on his own by then! He is constantly standing up!

Michael is getting ready to go out into "the field" on Monday. That just means that he goes out with his platoon and does training and stays the week out in the wilderness! He will be doing this for 5 weeks. He does get to come home on the weekend and the last two weeks he'll be able to come home every night also. We'll see how that goes with Austin. I am now chopped liver when his Daddy is around. He wants nothing to do with me unless he wants to go to bed! I guess he wants nothing to do with me in the evening because he's been with me the whole day! Little stinker! Oh well, it's so cute to watch anyway!

Hope everyone is having a good day!


Austin in his Piston's outfit in June! Posted by Hello

Mommy and Austin! Good picture of me...not so much Austin! Posted by Hello

Daddy and Austin Posted by Hello

Thursday, September 23, 2004

Photo Album Update

Hello everyone, I rearranged Austin's photo albums by months so you don't have to look at all of the pictures when you just want to look at the newer ones! Hopefully it will be a lot easier to find the newer ones and it will still be easy to look at the old ones if you want to also! I left the Austin I album on for pictures taken before July, sometimes I like to put the older ones on the computer too! I also added a new album with pictures of family and friends!

Hope everyone has enjoyed the website and pictures so far! I've been slacking lately with the picture taking so I'm looking forward to catching up this weekend! Speaking of weekend... have fun on your trips Dad and Uncle Duane up north golfing and Mom and Aunt Jan on your shopping excursion! Sounds like fun!!!

Lots of love to everyone!


Playing with his fire truck this morning! He wouldn't smile very good for me, he wanted to get the camera instead! Posted by Hello

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Don't forget...

Just a reminder to my Mom, Aunt Jan, and Libby!!! Don't forget that the Bachelor starts tonight! You will have to call me if you get together to watch it!!! Wish I was there to watch it with you!


Hello everyone! It's been a while since I've done a big update. For those of you who don't know...Austin and I are moving back to Michigan in January when Michael goes to Iraq. We are going to be living at my parents house again and we will be there probably until next December. I'm excited to be able to come back for 11 months but I'm not excited for the reason why we'll be back. Michael will be leaving the week of January 3rd (we think) then my parents will be coming down to help me move our stuff to a storage unit once again!

On another note... Austin is getting around quite quickly now. I constantly have to be on my toes to find out where he has gone next. He has been really vocal lately too but he still won't say mama or daddy yet. I swear he said daddy last weekend but he hasn't said it again since! He is constantly getting into stuff still and still hasn't quite gotten the concept of the word no yet. He wants nothing to do with his toys anymore, he wants the cell phones, the shoes, the photo albums, the diaper basket, and the list goes on. But how many times have I said that!!! Oh well, hopefully one of these days he'll learn! Well I better go because as I'm typing this he is getting into everything on the computer desk!

Hope everyone is having a good week!


I can't remember if I've put this one up or not? Always smiling!!!! Posted by Hello

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Austin likes to talk to his reflection in the oven! He jabbers away to himself, it's so cute! Posted by Hello

Monday, September 20, 2004

Austin is attracted to Michael's road guard vest! Can you imagine why? Posted by Hello

Friday, September 17, 2004

Thanks everyone...

Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes and presents!!! I loved everything! I had a great day and I'm looking forward to going to the zoo tomorrow with Michael and Austin. That's what I told them I wanted for my birthday! They didn't have to get me something, just spend the day together at the zoo! Hopefully Michael won't have to work so that we can go. If he does have to work, we'll just plan it for another weekend!

Austin is snoozing for the moment! I never know how long his naps are going to be anymore. They range from 15 minutes to an hour so I never know how much time I'm going to have to get my things accomplished! Oh well, at least he's not crabby after his naps!!! I better wrap it up so I can get my laundry changed and get the kitchen cleaned up! Talk to everyone soon!


He seems to think that he needs to put the whole toy in his mouth!!! He's so silly! Posted by Hello

Thursday, September 16, 2004

Always smiling! Posted by Hello

Even after I pulled the blinds up he still wanted to climb on things to see out the window! Posted by Hello

Such a dare devil isn't he! He'll do anything to get what he can't have! Posted by Hello

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Happy for the moment playing with his toys! He usually plays for a minute with his toys then is distracted by something else (the blinds, the TV, anything he's not supposed to play with!) Posted by Hello

Monday, September 13, 2004

New Update!

It's been a while since I've written anything! Nothing much has been going on that is terribly exciting! I swear Austin is getting naughtier as the days go by! I can't keep him out of everything! His newest thing is that he can now get down when he is standing up holding onto something! He pulls himself up on everything, he pulled himself up on the wall the other day! And forget about holding him on your lap, he wants to get down and go!

Today we are going to the library again. We have to return Austin's books we checked out! I don't know if we are going to go during the day or later when they have story time. I haven't gotten around to calling Jamie to see if she and Devlin want to go with us! Story time isn't until later at 5:30 and 6:30 so I don't know how well Austin will do at that time. That's usually our dinner time and crankiness time! Maybe we can go swimming this afternoon too! We went swimming last week at the same time that the water aerobics class was going on and it looks like a lot of fun! One lady had her little girl with her and it definitely looks like something could do with Austin! I'm going to go to one of the classes, but I'm not sure when!

I can't believe that Jackson is going to school! Of course I still can't believe that he is 3 years old either! I'm so excited for him!!!! Of course I can't believe that my 24th birthday is in 3 days either! Time flies when you're having fun I guess!

Hope everyone had a good Grandparent's Day yesterday!

Austin's snoozing so I better get around! Hope everyone has a good week!


Austin was so sleepy he fell asleep on my lap while we were watching TV! He now sleeps on his belly with his butt up in the air! It's so cute!!! Posted by Hello

Saturday, September 11, 2004

Austin in a grumpy mood helping me with the laundry! He doesn't have many days like this but when he does, look out!!!! Posted by Hello

Friday, September 10, 2004

Eating a popsicle with Daddy! Michael commented after they were done that he didn't get any of his own popsicle, Austin ate it all! Sorry I haven't done a big update lately, it's hard to do anything now that Austin is mobile and getting into EVERYTHING!!!!! Talk to everyone soon! Posted by Hello

Thursday, September 9, 2004

Thanks for "Hero" Aunt Jan! Austin loves him, as you can see! Posted by Hello

Tuesday, September 7, 2004

Doesn't this make you smile! Posted by Hello

Monday, September 6, 2004

Austin and Daddy on the motorcycle. Posted by Hello
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers