Wednesday, September 22, 2004


Hello everyone! It's been a while since I've done a big update. For those of you who don't know...Austin and I are moving back to Michigan in January when Michael goes to Iraq. We are going to be living at my parents house again and we will be there probably until next December. I'm excited to be able to come back for 11 months but I'm not excited for the reason why we'll be back. Michael will be leaving the week of January 3rd (we think) then my parents will be coming down to help me move our stuff to a storage unit once again!

On another note... Austin is getting around quite quickly now. I constantly have to be on my toes to find out where he has gone next. He has been really vocal lately too but he still won't say mama or daddy yet. I swear he said daddy last weekend but he hasn't said it again since! He is constantly getting into stuff still and still hasn't quite gotten the concept of the word no yet. He wants nothing to do with his toys anymore, he wants the cell phones, the shoes, the photo albums, the diaper basket, and the list goes on. But how many times have I said that!!! Oh well, hopefully one of these days he'll learn! Well I better go because as I'm typing this he is getting into everything on the computer desk!

Hope everyone is having a good week!


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