Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Gas prices

It seems as though the gas prices are getting to the kids too. Even though they each have their own car, they've decided to car pool these days...

I think the current gas prices come up in conversation at least once a day. So I wanted to have a little fun and ask my blog readers how much they've paid for a gallon of gas recently. Gas here is running about $3.80/gallon. To completely fill up my Durango it costs on average $75 - $80. Luckily I don't have to drive very far to take the kids to daycare and work!

Leave a comment telling me where you live and how much a gallon of gas currently is. You don't even have to tell me who you are, just where you live and the price of gas!

Posted by Andi

Memorial Day Fun

On Memorial Day we went to a small water park with some of our friends. The kids had a blast and the adults had a relaxing day soaking up the sun and watching the kids. Austin's really getting the hang of swimming. Granted, the kiddie pool was only 4 or 5 feet deep, but he was swimming around all by himself with just his arm floaties. He ventured out into the water by himself more than once to catch up with his friend. (Note to self: we need a pool when we finally buy a house!)

Posted by Andi

Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day

Since Michael joined the Army and personally known someone who has lost a loved one during this war, Memorial Day has held a new meaning for me. Please take a moment today to remember and honor those who have died fighting for our freedom. And pray for those who continue to fight in Iraq & Afghanistan.

Posted by Andi

Sunday, May 25, 2008

A little lighter

****Updated 5/26 ****
This afternoon my hair went from this:

To this:

Everything was cut off at once. My hair will be in the mail on Tuesday to the Locks of Love Organization.

**** Pictures added ****

My cut hair next to a 12 inch ruler:

And a terrible picture of me with my hair:

Posted by Andi

Fun filled Saturday

The kids and I went out and about yesterday in an attempt to find a bathing suit for Abigail and I. We were headed to a pool party and Austin and I are going to do a week long parent and child swim lesson next month. We were on a mission to find some suits.

Before we headed to Target we enjoyed one of our favorites for lunch at McAlister's. The kids both had ham sandwiches and applesauce, which Abigail ended up wearing by the end of lunch.

We ended up getting some suits at Target so we headed home for some much needed naps. Once Abigail got up we headed over to the pool party. The kids had fun playing in the sand & water table and didn't want to get into the pool.

But once they were in we all had a blast. Austin clung to me when he got in the pool and I was afraid I had wasted my money on the swim lesson I signed him up for.

He slowly came around and ended up swimming in the pool all by himself with the assistance of his arm floaties and a noodle. I was always right there next to him, but he kept telling me he didn't need my help!

While Austin swam, Abigail floated around in Austin's old floaty. Remember when he was her age and used it in the pool when Daddy was home on R & R? (If not, click here to see the picture.)

We had a great time at the pool party. I can't believe how much fun Austin had in the pool. He was too funny. I can't wait to go to the swim lessons.

Posted by Andi

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Myrtle Beach

We're back from our mini vacation this past weekend. We had great flights and great weather once we got there. It was so nice to get away for the weekend and not have any responsibilities for the kids! Everything about the weekend was wonderful. Here are some highlights:

When we got there Thursday I talked Michael into walking down to the ocean. It was the first time he'd seen the Atlantic, so I had to get a picture to document it! We took Kyle's dog, Sandy, with us.

The guys were in the ocean off and on during the weekend.

They decided they needed to get some boogie boards to ride the waves. They finally got some nice waves to ride on Sunday.

The wedding was Saturday evening. The picture is a little fuzzy because we were looking into the sun as it was setting. Kyle & Taylor's wedding site was amazing and the weather turned out to be gorgeous.

Michael was a groomsman in the wedding. I couldn't get any pictures of him during the ceremony because of the people sitting in front of me, but I got someone to take our picture after the ceremony.

Here's our ride for the weekend!

And our home for the weekend. Kyle's parents rented two beach houses across the street from each other where we all stayed. We were in the "kids" house. It was so nice, we were a block away from the beach. All we did was round the corner and we were at the ocean.

And the "adult" or "parents" house!

I learned a couple things over the weekend:

1. Sand in your camera will affect the way some pictures turn out.

2. If you can't reach your lower back to apply sunscreen, you're going to have a problem... you're going to burn!

I'm think the sand in my camera affected the way the lens opened. I didn't notice it while we were at the beach and in the sun. I was kind of bummed, but what can I do?

It sounds like the kids had a great time with Grandma Ringman while we were gone. I hope she had as good a time with them as we did while we were away.

Posted by Andi

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

We're outta here!

Let the adventures with Grandma Ringman begin, cause we're outta here!

Hope everyone has a great weekend! I'm hoping to have some fun pictures of our vacation without the kids when we return!

Posted by Andi

Monday, May 12, 2008

15 Months

Abigail's 15 months old today. I took her to the doctor for her 15 month well baby appointment. She weighed 18 lbs 3 oz (only up 3 oz from her 12 month appointment) and was 30 inches in length. Developmentally she's doing everything she should be doing, however the doctor is concerned a little with her weight. Her weight is making a downward curve on the growth chart so they're going to keep a close eye on it. I'll be taking her back to the doctor in a month so they can recheck the amount of fluid in her left ear and check her weight.

ATTITUDE. Pretty much sums up our little girl! She's fearless, as you've seen in Part I, Part II & Part III. She screams when she doesn't get what she wants and especially when her brother does something to her that she doesn't like. She hates having her shoes on. Whenever she gets the chance she takes them off. I constantly have to put them back on when we arrive at our destination after traveling in the car. And shoes or not, she's now running everywhere.

Even though it appears she hasn't gained weight, you would never know by the way our girl eats. She continues to eat almost everything we put in front of her. And laugh, she laughs at everything. It's so contagious when she laughs! On top of the laughs, her facial expressions are priceless. I can't help but smile each time I look at her.

Her next well baby appointment is at 18 months. She'll be getting two, maybe three, shots at this appointment. She lucked out this time around, no shots at 15 months!

Posted by Andi

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

♥ Two reasons why I love being a Mom ♥

They're the cutest kids around, even if one like to eat sand!
Happy Mother's Day to everyone who's a Mom!
Posted by Andi

Friday, May 9, 2008

She's fearless (Part III)

Do you see a pattern?
(And yes, that's our coffee table she's standing on!)

Posted by Andi

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers