Saturday, February 18, 2006

Happy 1st Birthday Riley!

We love you so much!!!!!!

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Splish Splash I was taking a bath!

After Austin's nearly hour bath last night, I thought I would post these pictures of him! He succeeded in getting the entire bathroom floor wet along with cracking us up the entire time! He loves the bathtub and was being really silly last night! He was swimming and splashing, trying to get us wet! He certainly needed a bath after he played outside all afternoon! His face and hands had dirt all over them by the time we got done!

Friday, February 10, 2006

New Pictures

I managed to get some pictures from Austin's birthday parties into his photo album too!

Nothing much has been going on with us! Austin was sick at the beginning of the week with a little cold. Nothing major, just a fever, coughing and the every 2 hour diaper change! We stuck with the breathing treatments around every 4 hours and that seemed to help! He's working on getting rid of the cough, but other than that he's back to his normal self- 2! He's got the attitude down!

I've been trying to find a job since we got back home. I have my first interview on Monday with a bank. I'm not really sure if I want to do the whole banking thing, but I've never done it before either! We'll see, it's just a first interview. I did apply for a veterinary tech position, but when I went in to fill out the application, I caught the receptionist's name: Andrea! So I don't know if that will pan out or not. When I worked at Milwood, we didn't like to hire people with the same name as somebody already working there! We'll see! I don't really have vet tech experience either, but they said that they would train the right person. Oh well, it's worth a shot!

Other than that nothing else is going on. We're going to a birthday party this weekend, but that's about the extent of our plans! We'll probably just hang out all weekend and enjoy each others company!!!!! Hope everyone has a great weekend!
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers