Monday, June 18, 2007

Note to self...

Start checking Austin's pockets when doing his laundry. I've come up with the following items while doing the last two loads of Austin's laundry:
  • ♥$1.74 - ($1.00 bill in one load & some change in another)

  • ♥A name tag (They write his name on masking tape and stick it to his back at school)

  • ♥A plastic frog

  • ♥A piece of gum (Found in the dryer after the clothes were dry...thankfully not getting on anything)

  • ♥A foam lion sticker, still stuck to his shirt.

  • ♥A rock from the playground

I suppose it can only get worse as he gets older. Here he is sitting in the window watching Daddy mow the yard.

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Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers