Tuesday, June 12, 2007

4 Months

Abigail is 4 months old today. When she went to the doctor yesterday and she weighed 13 pounds even. She's really grown taller, she's now 24 3/4 inches long. She once again got four immunizations which put her in a pretty crabby mood for the day. I ended up having to go get her from school because she wouldn't drink a bottle and kept crying. She just wanted her Mommy. I got there, she nursed like a champ and then we came home. She got the go ahead to start cereal so we're going to try that this week.

Austin also went to his ENT yesterday for his ear tube check up. His tubes are still in so Dr. R isn't going to do anything with them until Austin starts to have problems with them. He goes back in 3 months for his next tube check.

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