Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The results

The doctor called me the other day with Abigail's bloodwork results. Her blood count was low and the doctor gave the diagnosis of "mild anemia". While she thinks Abigail tends to be on the lower scale of everything, she prescribed an iron supplement for Abigail to take once daily. She'll take the iron until we go back to the doctor in a couple months for her weight check. Along with being weighed at the appointment, she'll have to have her blood drawn again to see if the iron has made a difference.

Abigail better get going, her little cousin Brenden is outgrowing her like crazy!


Angela said...

Having all the kids together again would be great. We will have to see what we can do when Ben returns home.

But yes I have the thick kiddos, both grew out and then up. Good like with helping Abigail gain a few pounds in the next few months.

Anonymous said...


You are so adorable. Your hair is getting so long. Mommy alway's wanted curly hair so it's only fair her little girl should have it.

Grandma and Grandpa Love You

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