Tuesday, August 12, 2008

18 month check up

I'm pretty sure I wasn't Abigail's favorite person today. First she had to get two shots, then have her blood drawn and then I offended her by trying to catch a urine sample.

From the beginning...

Everything for her age looks great, except for her growth.

At 12 months she weighed 18 lbs even.

Remember at 15 months, she weighed 18 lbs, 3 oz and was 30 inches in length. Only a 3 oz weight gain in 3 months.

When we went back to the doctor at 16 months (for a weight check), she weighed 19 lbs, 6 oz. Gaining a pound and 3 oz.

Today, she weighed a whopping (drum roll please)... 19 lbs, 8 oz. Again, only a 2 oz weight gain in 2 months. She was also 30 inches in length, the same as what she was at 15 months.
Again, not on the chart for weight, and in the 10th percentile for height.

The only problem is, our girl can eat!

I was instructed to give her some PediaSure and come back in 3 months for another weight check. The doctor said she really wants to see her over the 20 lb mark.
We're not sure why she's not gaining weight, but the doctor is pretty sure it has to do with her family genetics. Michael doesn't have an ounce of fat on him, so it doesn't surprise me that one of our kids (actually, probably both of our kids) would take after him.

Which leads me to the blood draw. I took Abigail to the lab to have blood drawn so she could have a complete work up done. Even though the doctor thinks she's fine, she wanted to run blood work to rule out anything that might be causing her to not pack on the pounds.

She did rather well for the blood draw as long as you don't count the big crocodile tears that were springing from her eyes. My poor baby!

I also received a urine collection contraption to catch a sample from her. It's nearly impossible to catch a urine sample from an 18 month old, even with the contraption they provided. I got a small sample, lets hope it's enough when I take it to the lab tomorrow.

Hopefully we won't hear anything about the labs, and we'll pack on the few ounces she needs to make it over the 20 lb mark and onto the growth chart!


Les said...

What a rough day for the both of you. I'll be happy to share some pounds with Abigail.

Jana, Mark, Megan and Joey said...

Seriously, a urine sample from a 18 month old??? We'll have our fingers crossed the her labs are fine. I think it is all genetics, because Megan is a the same growth path as Abigial. I'm hoping for Megan to weigh 17 1/2 lbs for her 12 month check-up!

I know I have said it before, but she is adorable!!!

Grandma Ringman said...
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Grandma Ringman said...

It's genetics. Lokk at her parents and both her Uncles. Between the four of them, they couldn't come up with a pound of fat if they had to.

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