For the first week after Michael left, I let the kids sleep with me. Let's face it, we all needed to get some sleep and I wasn't going to fight them to sleep in their own beds. It didn't last for long because I was the only one
not getting a good nights sleep.
I've now got them on a strict routine. They've been going to bed in their own beds, usually between 8 and 8:30. Granted, I have to sit in the hallway between their rooms so they'll stay in bed, but at least I've got them going to sleep in their own beds. Plus, this gives me a little time to wind down by reading my book or doing a Sudoku puzzle (or three). Eventually I'll work on them going to sleep without me having to be in the hallway.
Keeping them in bed all night is the only thing we still need to work on. Austin will pretty much stay in his bed and asleep all night. Abigail on the other hand, generally makes her way into my room about midnight or shortly there after. At this point I haven't faithfully taken her back to her room to get back into her bed, because again, I need my sleep to survive!
They've gotten pretty good at sneaking in, I usually don't notice them until I get up in the morning. The other morning I woke up and discovered that they'd both come into my room.
This is what I found:
You would think they were twins by the way they drape all over each other when they're sleeping!