Wednesday, July 16, 2008

I hope he's ready

I registered Austin for school today. In exactly 40 days our son will be attending his first day of Pre-K.

I have so many thoughts running through my head about his first day of school. While I'm excited that he'll be attending school, I'm also scared to death.

This is where our parenting skills thus far are put to the test. Will he behave himself? Have we taught him the right things? Will he be polite and mind his manners? The list goes on and on.

I guess we'll find out after his first couple of days.

I'm going to ball like a baby the minute I leave him at school, I already know it.

What was it like when your first child attended their first day of school? Any advice on making the day any smoother for me?


Jana, Mark, Megan and Joey said...

I can't give any advice about the first day of school since Megan isn't even a year yet. But I do think that because you are "questioning" your parenting skills that means you have raised Austin to be polite and listen to his teacher. It seems to parents that aren't concerned that have the children who misbehave. (I come from a long line of teachers that will agree with me)

And as long as Austin doesn't see you cry, I say ball your eyes out!

The Cooper Family said...

I balled my eyes out when leaving Adrienne for her first day of kindergarten. I tried to mentally prepare myself, but it still happened. After the first few days, everything was fine. I am sure Austin will have a blast at Pre-K, and that will help ease your worries.

Grandma Ringman said...

I too only had two children. The first born leaving for school was ok. He had a older friend to watch out for him. Also, I still had one at home. But when the second one left, I worried all that first day something would go wrong. Then at the end of the day, my first born told me, he would watch out for his little brother. Turned out I was called to school more for my second son then the first. OH, MY! That would be Austin's Dad. GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!

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