I can't believe my baby girl is going to be a year old in a month. The last month has been a very busy month for Abigail.
She and Austin started back at daycare. Instead of a center I'm taking them to a woman who does daycare out of her home. It took a couple weeks for Abigail to adjust, but is doing great now. Just yesterday when I arrived she wasn't ready to go home. I walked in the door, she smiled at me then kept playing with the toys. The in home daycare has been wonderful for both of my children.
She's started eating table food and is quite good at it. She'll eat almost anything we put in front of her. For breakfast she gets YoBaby yogurt along with cereal or pancakes. For lunch she'll eat her baby food with what ever they are having at daycare as long as she can eat it.
She's only been drinking one bottle during the day at daycare, but next week she's going to start drinking whole milk during her snacks and lunch from a cup. My stash of frozen breast milk has disappeared from the freezer so I thought now would be the best time to get her started on regular milk while she is away from me. Today she drank some milk in her sippy cup at lunch for the first time and really liked it. I'm sure she's not going to have a problem with it. She's still not ready to give up nursing yet so we'll give that up when she's ready. I'm not ready to give it up yet either as this will be the last time I nurse a baby. Ever.
This morning Austin got the Cheerios out and Abigail thought she needed to dump them on the floor to get one!
Playing with her baby. For about 20 minutes this afternoon she kept putting her baby in her stroller and then taking her out.
She is so cute! Love the yogurt picture, personally I think everything taste better when you eat with your fingers. It also looks like she has mastered her walking skills very quickly. Too cute!
Riley thinks that Molly has gone to visit Abigail. Abigail's baby looks a lot like our Molly. She will love her for a long time.
Aunt GiGi
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