A comment was made to me the other day because someone noticed that I have updated the website around 6:30 am a couple of times. Usually we've been up for a while at this time. Abigail varies on what time she gets up. She sometimes gets up around 5 am like she did this morning and sometimes she makes me wake her up at 6:30 so she'll have time to eat and get dressed before we have to leave the house. My goal is to leave the house at 7 am but we usually end up leaving around 7:10. Those who know me well enough shouldn't be surprised that I can't leave on time!
Austin. He's three. He's independent. He's potty training. Does that sum it up for you? He's been a handful lately! I'm kidding, he's doing better lately. I was beginning to think he was going to be 12 before he got the hang of this potty training thing. He's been doing better lately, but he's still not where I would like him to be. He is probably sick of us asking him if he needs to go potty. If I'm not asking him every 5 minutes, Daddy is. He did really well this weekend. He, Abigail and I went to McAlister's for lunch and then to Toys R Us and Target in search of the Bumbo. At both McAlister's and Target he told me that he had to go potty. We went to the bathroom and sure enough, he went! When we went to the grocery store on Sunday we asked him if he had to go potty and he said yes! Sure enough, he went! We're getting there. Potty and school is a little difficult still. I think he gets too busy playing and he forgets about going potty. He only came home with 2 bags of wet clothes today. We just have to stick with it. Putting Austin to bed lately has been much better. We can now tell him that's it's time to go to bed and he will go into his room and crawl into bed. We kiss him good night and leave the room. Usually he will ask if we will sit with him but we tell him that we're going to bed ourselves or that we have to go get Abigail ready for bed. At which point he will roll over and go to sleep. It's so much better than the struggle we used to go through. Most of the time he will sleep all night. Austin also has to go to the doctor on the 11th to see Dr. R. for his routine tube check.
My Mom is coming to visit in a couple of weeks. I was teasing her that she's on the 3 month plan. She was here in December, then again in February and now in June. Honestly, I'm excited for her to be visiting again!
Michael has been working days instead of second shift and it's been nice to have him home in the evenings. He still has to work on Saturday's but it gives the kids and I some time to hang out and do whatever we want while he's working.
Well, I guess I better get the kids ready for bed. I feel a sinus infection coming on so I better get ready for bed myself.