Tuesday, April 17, 2007


I never really realized what parents who bottle feed their babies go through every day until I went back to work. I love being able to feed my baby without having to measure the water, mix the formula and then trying to get all the bubbles out while holding a crying hungry baby! I also never realized that a baby can go through so many bottles in a 24 hour period. I've been lucky that I've only had to supplement Abigail with formula 2 or 3 times a day while I'm at work. It seems like all I do at night is wash bottles! She takes a total of 5 bottles with her to school and I take 3 bottles with me to work. I must say that I am lucky because she is not picky about what or how she eats. Well, I should say she does really well with formula when I'm not around! Although those 2 or 3 bottles of formula sure do make for some nasty smelling toots!

1 comment:

Angela said...

Its good to hear that breast feeding. bottle feeding and work are all coming together for you. I understand about the bottle clean up at the end of each day. Riley was a bottle feed baby and we went through lots of formula and bottles. Hang in there only a few more months of bottles and you will be having all those cups to wash.

Love you and miss you lots.

The Ringman2 Family,
Ben, Angie, and Riley

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