Monday, February 26, 2007

Doctor's appointments

Austin's 3 year physical:

Austin proved just how big he was at the doctor's office today. He was excellent during his exam. He allowed the doctor to look in his ears, his eyes and nose without a fight but required a little wrestling when it came to looking at his throat! The nurse even commented that he did really well with his vision test, cooperating better than most three year olds. We still can't get him over the 30 lb mark but we're almost there. He weighed in at 29 lbs 5 oz and was a little over 35 inches tall! His tubes are still in place which we kind of figured by the amount of drainage coming out of his right ear the last couple of weeks. He has some fluid in his right ear so we'll be doing ear drops twice a day for the next seven days. Hopefully this will all clear up by the time he has to see Dr. R, his Ear, Nose & Throat Specialist, on March 7th. We also received some advice on how to get him to stay in his bed when he wakes up at night. It seems that he is spoiled by having Mommy or Daddy sit with him when he falls asleep at night. He associates us with falling asleep therefore can not soothe himself back to sleep when he wakes up during the night. We will be implementing the advice over the next couple of months in hopes that he will be able to stay asleep all night or in his room when he wakes up during the night.

Abigail's 2 week follow-up:

Our baby girl is eating well and gaining weight! She weighed in at 7 lbs 12 oz this morning meaning she's gained 9-10 oz in the last two weeks. They measured her at 20 1/2 inches long, but the doctor thought this measurement might have been a little off. It's a little unusual that she would grow over an inch in two weeks. She has to go back to the doctor at 2 months for her next check-up and immunizations! After her appointment I had to run her over to the lab at the hospital to have a follow-up PKU test done. Once again she had to have her little heal poked!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


What is that new hair-do? At first glance it looks like you have a mohawk but then when I looked again - oh it's the carseat!!!

Grandma Richards

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