Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Halloween 2007

I've always been interested in scrapbooking. However, I never have the time to get everything out, let alone the time (or piece and quiet) to myself to actually make something. When my Mom was visiting one time she brought me a newspaper article she had clipped. It was about digital scrapbooking. It is very cool. Anyways, long story made short... I made this there. Go check it out ~ Scrapblog.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Happy Halloween

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

On the go

Abigail is everywhere now. And into everything. She doesn't want anything to do with her toys, she would rather have the things she can't play with. And let's not even discuss what happens when we take something away from her. Let's just say she's a screamer and lets us know she's not happy about what we just did to her.

Her newest thing is to crawl out the door when they're open. When Austin is playing outside in his sandbox with the door open, she crawls out to join him. We're not going to be able to take her to the beach any time soon either. She eats the sand, and thinks it's good. She doesn't get a nasty face or anything, just eats it.

She's been pulling herself up onto everything. The couch, the chair, the coffee table, the door and even our legs. She can't get enough of standing. It won't be long before she starts cruising around the furniture. And then she'll want to chase after her brother. Now Austin runs up and down the hallway and Abigail crawls after him. They think it's the funniest thing ever. It's so cute to hear them giggle at each other.

And forget about her laying still for diaper changes anymore. Why is it when they finally get mobile they won't stop? It should be interesting to see what she does when we get the Christmas tree out.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

More Halloween fun

We were going to go to the library for their Halloween Party last night, but decided to go to a near by city with some of Daddy's friends from work. The city's fire department puts on a Halloween carnival type event with a hayride each year. Austin had fun playing the carnival games and riding in the hay wagon because it was being pulled by a John Deere. We ended up riding the hayride twice. The hayride made a stop at a haunted house. The first time the people we were with went through, the second time Daddy went through the haunted house with them again.

Here's Austin playing the bean bag toss game.

Here's Austin throwing the football through the hole.

Austin was playing with the bones laying on the ground while we were waiting for Daddy and his friends to come out of the haunted house.

He was also eating his popcorn.

Here we are on the hayride.

When we got home Austin dumped his bag of stuff on the floor and exclaimed, "Look at all this cool stuff!". It was so cute. He had so much fun.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Battalion Halloween Party

Daddy's battalion had a Halloween party last night. They had games and candy and Daddy was running the photo booth. Austin had a lot of fun and didn't want to leave when it was time. We're going to the Halloween party at the Library tonight.

Our cute little turtle. He picked his own costume; however, I probably should have ordered a bigger size!

Our pretty little flower

Taking their turn at the photo booth

Abigail & Daddy

Austin got to pick out one piece of candy before bed

I'll have more pictures after tonight!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

All jumped out

Abigail jumped herself to the point of exhaustion yesterday!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Dare devil

Austin has become quite the dare devil lately. He was riding his tractor outside on Sunday when I saw him go past the window. He was standing up driving his tractor. He's also been climbing and jumping on everything. He's constantly jumping on his bed or the couch, even though he's not supposed to. And he loves to jump from the couch to the floor. He's got so much energy!

Monday, October 22, 2007

Standing fun

Abigail is having so much fun pulling herself up on things. I thought it might be fun to see what she did when I got the Leap Pad Learning Table out. She does a little bit of dancing in the video. She's been dancing lately whenever she hears music. It's so cute!

Saturday, October 20, 2007


Now that Abigail is mobile, and tends to get into things she's not supposed to, I need to contain her when I go out into the garage to switch my loads of laundry. I've been putting her in the laundry basket. So far she hasn't figured out how to stand up in the laundry basket... yet.

*Yes, my washer and dryer are in the garage. That's how they do things down here in Texas. ??

Friday, October 19, 2007

We're in trouble now - Part II

Oh boy, this is getting fun. When Michael went to get Abigail out of bed yesterday, he returned to our room and said that she was standing up in her crib when he went in to get her.

Fast forward to her morning nap. After she woke up and played in her bed until she got bored, I went in to get her. Guess what? Yup, she was standing up in her crib.

Fast forward again to her afternoon nap. Once again when I went in to get her, she was standing up in her crib.

Then, out of nowhere, she pulls herself up to a standing position against the couch.

Great... not only do we have to worry about her crawling everywhere, we now have to worry about what she's going to pull herself up onto. She may find herself living in a gated community in the near future!

Not a good picture of Abigail, but proof of her accomplishment!

Reminds me of when someone else made that same accomplishment... looking at this picture of Austin made me smile.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

And then...

...there are times like this:

He was so excited to "cook maw-mellows" he could hardly contain himself.

Never mind that the marshmellows were only on the fire for about 2.2 seconds before he exclaimed, "They're cooked just how I like them Mommy. Can I eat them now?"

I love when he's such a good big brother to Abigail.

You can also tell by the pictures that once again he was outside playing today. And once again he took the sand out of the sandbox to make another road...

Oh Austin

Someone please tell me the fours are better than the threes. Austin has been something else lately. I don't know where he is getting all of this energy & naughty behavior from. For instance, we've been letting him play outside in the sandbox by himself. We always have the side door open when he goes out to play and about every 5 minutes or when I don't hear him, I call his name. He usually replies with, "Huh" indicating he's still outside the door and not getting into trouble. For three days in a row he proceeded to take the sand out of his sandbox, put it in a dump truck and dump it all over the patio. What was he doing? He was making a road, with his construction hat and all on. He and I got most of the sand back into the sandbox the other night when I was out grilling our dinner. Do you know where most of the sand is at now? All over the patio...

(pictures below are from the other day, but you get the idea!)

Last week Austin went out to play. I was in the living room folding their clothes when I didn't hear him.

I called his name, no answer.

I called his name again, no answer.

I jumped up, and ran to the door, no Austin in sight.

I called his name again, nothing.

I could hear the water running somewhere, but didn't know where. Usually he'll turn on the hose on the side of the garage to wash his tractor or play in.

I ran around the house calling his name, nothing. He was no where in sight.

I ran inside. I checked the living room, I checked the kitchen, I checked Abigail's room, I checked Austin's room, I checked Austin's bathroom, I checked our bedroom, still no Austin.

The whole time I was checking in the house I was calling his name, no response.

I ran into the living room and told Michael I couldn't find him anywhere. We both jumped up. The only thing I thought he could be doing is going around the block on one of his bikes. I didn't know where he was at.

Then I remembered hearing water again. I ran back to our bathroom... and there he was, shaving...

He's had to take a time out for spitting.

He's had to take a time out for spilling water all over the kitchen table and floor, on purpose.

He's had to take a time out for roughing his sister up.

He carried his dinner plate to the garbage the other night like a waiter. One hand, plate half full of spaghetti... got the picture yet?

Please let the fours be easier than the threes...

Monday, October 15, 2007

Ready to camp?

Austin got his tent out yesterday to play in. He really wanted Abigail to get in with him. He even put some of her toys in his tent so she would have something to do while she was in there.

He even had to eat his jello in his tent!

Friday, October 12, 2007

8 Months

Abigail is two thirds through her first year today. I say it every month, but I can't believe she's already 8 months old. It's also hard to believe that she could be walking in the next three to four months. In the short time she's been crawling, I've found that she has to be in someones sight at all times. She is fast! Her favorite area is the toy area, meaning Austin and I have some re-organizing to do. All of his toys with small parts are going to have to go in his room or in his toy box so her little fingers don't get them and stick them in her mouth. Speaking of mouth, she doesn't have any more teeth, but they've got to be on their way. She's constantly chewing on something. I can't wait to see what the next month brings!

Officer in training

Getting into the cable box - this used to be one of Austin's favorite things too!

====>> Make sure you check out the new poll. When do you think Abigail will walk?

Wednesday, October 10, 2007


I am so excited!!!! Abigail's hair is long enough for me to put a bow in it! It has grown so much in the last month. I can't wait until she can wear piggy tails.

This is not the greatest picture of her hair because it's a little blurry, but look at that smile!

Austin's hair is in desperate need of a hair cut. We'll have to wait until his stitches dissolve and his incision heals. He went to Dr. R for his follow up appointment this afternoon. Both of his ears looked good. His right ear required a little dose of medication, but is healing well. He has to see Dr. R again in 6 weeks.

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers