Friday, December 29, 2006

Mommy and Austin

This picture was taken of Austin and I at my Christmas Party for work! Aren't we cute!

Appointment Update

I once again had my bi-weekly appointment with Dr. L yesterday. My weight gain will not be shared this time as (a) it's a little embarrassing if it's right and (b) because I don't think the nurse wrote my current weight down correctly, but I can't remember how much I actually weighed! Anyways, Dr. L managed to squeeze me in between two deliveries! He said that he had delivered 6 babies in the last two days; he's been a busy man! His nurses were teasing him that they should have gotten him roller blades so that he could get between his office and the hospital faster! He asked me how I was feeling and I told him that my midsection had been a little achy lately. He said that it was probably due to being on my feet so much and not relaxing enough. He suggested I get one of those belt things to wear around my midsection to help lift my belly and relieve some of the pressure. I don't think I'm going to that extreme, I think I'll just take it a little easier from now on! I happened to be put in the ultrasound exam room, so when it came time to listen to her heart I got to look at her instead. She indeed has positioned herself head down and I got to see her little face on the screen. Of course it's not so little anymore, but I did get to see her eyes, nose, mouth and chin! I got to see her little chest too when Dr. L was checking her heart beat. He said that everything looked great and he will see me in two weeks. After the next appointment I will start going once a week! That means that my due date is getting closer...I can't wait for this little girl to join us!

In other news...
Grandma Richards has been here since Tuesday and I think she's really enjoying herself! I think that she and Austin have managed to play with almost all of his new toys plus some. We've got big shopping plans for Saturday but other than that we've just been hanging out at home. It's been nice to have her here and I'm sure Austin will be disappointed when she has to go home. He won't have to wait too long before seeing her again as she's planning on coming back to Texas after his sister is born!

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

8 Months

I made it! I start my 8th month of pregnancy today! I've always thought it was funny that they say women are pregnant for 9 months. Technically a woman is pregnant for 40 weeks, isn't that 10 months?

By now, your baby probably weighs almost 4 pounds and is almost 17 inches long, taking up a lot of space in your uterus. She has tiny toenails now, and her fingernails have grown in, too. Some babies have a head of hair already; others have only peach fuzz.

I thought that this information was interesting, considering I'm experiencing some of the symptoms!

As your baby grows, the increasing concentration of weight in your growing belly causes a change in your posture and a shift in your center of gravity. Plus, your abdominal muscles are stretching, hormones are making your ligaments more lax, and your growing uterus may even press on some nerves. All of this can contribute to low back pain and possibly to some pain in your buttocks and thighs as well.

Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas!

myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics

from our family to yours!

Santa made his stop at Austin's house and left all kinds of cool presents. Not to mention all of the other gifts that were under our tree from other people! Thanks to everyone who sent gifts for Austin and the new baby! We didn't get too many pictures with the camera because we were using the video camera, but here are some of the pictures that we did take!

Look at what Santa brought!

Checking out his new Play Doh table

Playing with his new Play Doh table

Watching a new movie

After opening presents we got ready and I started to cook our Christmas dinner. We decided that we would rather have turkey again instead of ham. We had some friends over and I made turkey and everything that goes with it! We're all exhausted! All in all we had a great Christmas. I'm hoping to get the video that we took today on the computer so that I can put a little movie of Austin's expressions when he saw what Santa brought him. He thought that Tickle Me Elmo was funny when he saw what he did! We hope that everyone had a great day! Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Christmas Eve 2006

Decorating cookies for Santa!

Opening Christmas Eve presents!

A Miss Spider ornament and Christmas jammies!

Austin is now off to bed so that Santa will visit his house! He said a couple of times tonight that Santa was here when he heard the door open! Tomorrow morning should be fun...

Saturday, December 23, 2006

A little comparison

I thought it might be fun to do a little comparison of pictures taken of myself pregnant at Christmas time. And because I kept my maternity clothes, I have the same shirt on as the first picture! Of course this year I had to take the picture minus Aaron, but you get the idea!

So, here I am 32 weeks pregnant with Austin and 31 weeks pregnant with the little girl whom remains un-named!

And here's Austin 3 years later! I can't believe that he is about to turn 3 years old! Time flies when you're having fun!

My husband so graciously made the comment that my face is not as fat! I feel as though I am carrying this baby different than Austin. At this point in my pregnancy with Austin I felt like I couldn't get a good breath because I was carrying him so high and he was compressing my lungs. With this pregnancy I feel as though I'm carrying her really low. From looking at these pictures it doesn't appear that I'm carrying her as low as I thought!

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Breathing treatments

So, after about two breathing treatment sessions of holding him down and trying to get some of the medication in him, Austin decided that it would be easier if he just did it himself. We introduced the fact that the medicine was trying to tickle his nose and it has seemed to work ever since! He can now sit for an entire breathing treatment session if he handles the job himself! I guess we'll do whatever it takes!

Austin had to go back to the doctor today for a follow up appointment. She said that his lungs sounded clear, continue with the breathing treatments to help the congestion and finish out the steroid medication that she prescribed. This morning was the first time he took the steroid medicine and Daddy said that he took it like a champ! The pharmacist suggested last night that we start it this morning with breakfast as this particular steroid tends to keep kids awake after taking it! I agreed, I didn't want to stay up all night! Austin had the luxury of staying home with Daddy again all day today! I think it's off to school tomorrow so that Daddy can go to work on time and not have to wait until I get home. At some point we're going to have to get him back to his routine! It probably won't be for another week or so as he'll get to stay home all next week when Grandma Richards is here to play! Spoiled rotten I tell you!

Anyways, have I mentioned how exhausted I've felt lately? Hopefully I'll start to feel more energized once my house is finally organized! Yeah right...when is anything ever organized! Oh well, I'm off to get us ready for bed! From the tumbling that is going on inside my belly I may not be relaxing any time soon...

Monday, December 18, 2006

"I don't wanna go to pool"

It has become a daily occurrence that Austin says he doesn't want to go to school! I don't know why he says it, but he says it every day as we're going through the gate to get on post and go to school. Of course at the end of the day when I ask him if he's had a good day at school he replies with "yes!" Since we have been so busy lately with moving and everything else, we've had to wake him up in the morning. This particular morning I turned his light on but he did not want to wake up! He didn't have to go to school today as he had to stay home sick with Daddy. It seems that he has the acquired a nasty cold again. We are currently battling a fever, a runny nose, a cough and the congestion associated with it all. Michael took him to the doctor this afternoon and he was prescribed some medication and was instructed to do breathing treatments every 4 hours to help with the congestion. And of course he does so well with breathing treatments...we had to literally hold him down this evening just to get him to breathe a little of that stuff in. I'm not too sure what makes him freak out but by the time it was all said and done, his nose was really running and his head was soaked with sweat! He has now found the comfort of Daddy's shoulder and fallen fast asleep. He wanted nothing to do with me as I was the one who initiated the breathing treatment and tried to administer medication! He has to go back to the doctor on Wednesday to see how everything is going. Hopefully we can get his fever down so that he can go to school.

This week I find myself being 31 weeks pregnant. I have been exhausted lately because of the move and having to unpack everything. I'm looking forward to the long weekend ahead and spending Christmas with my guys. I have a feeling that this week at work is going to be busy! Today we had two people call in sick. And it happened to be another one of the girl's last day at work for a while. We've really gotten to be good friends and I'm going to miss her while she's on her maternity leave. I'm sure she'll be busy at home with the impending arrival of her little girl! So in the meantime, I'll try and function without her! I've taken on some of her daily tasks so I'll be sure to stay busy!

Now for your weekly pregnancy update! Here is some information about the 31st week of pregnancy!

This week, your baby measures about 16 inches long. She weighs a little over 3 pounds and is headed for a growth spurt. She can turn her head from side to side, and she's beginning to accumulate a layer of fat underneath her skin in preparation for life as a newborn. As a result, her arms, legs, and body are filling out.

Oh, we also want to congratulate Uncle Ben, Aunt Angie & Riley. They are expecting a new baby next year! Looks like this will also be the last year that Riley is an only child at Christmas time! Maybe they will have a boy this time! We wish them the best and can't wait to meet the newest addition to their family!

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Happy Anniversary!

myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics

We've been married for 3 years today! I can't believe how fast the time has gone by! We're not planning on doing anything special. We spent a couple of hours at the other house this morning getting things cleaned up. For the most part everything is now at the new house. I tried to get my husband to take us out for dinner, but I'll probably end up making Austin's favorite instead! I finally got my washing machine hooked up so I'll be doing laundry for the rest of the evening.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Hanging Ornaments

Austin and I finally got the ornaments on our Christmas tree! Of course you can tell where Austin placed all of his ornaments as they are all clumped together at his eye level. He also had the job of placing the candy canes on the tree and did a really good job at getting those all together too! I think those two things are the best things about our tree this year! I was starting to think that our tree was looking bare without any presents under it until the mail arrived today! Of course what would Christmas be if Austin wasn't spoiled by his Grandparents! And yes, that means both sets of Grandparents...I know one Grandma in particular who is getting really excited about Christmas being around the corner! She's coming to Texas the day after Christmas to spend almost a whole week! Austin better enjoy Christmas this year also, as this will be his last Christmas as an only child! He'll have to share next year and many more with his sister!

It's kind of hard to believe that Christmas is just around the corner. The weather today was absolutely gorgeous. While Austin and I were out and about for a couple things this afternoon I wore a short sleeve shirt with my jeans! I had to run the air conditioner in the car because it was really warm if I didn't. Oh, the perks of living in Texas in the winter!

Thursday, December 14, 2006


Let me just say that this week has been interesting. We were able to start moving things into our new house on Monday, so when I go out of work we got a couple of car loads to the new house. Tuesday Michael rented a big U-Haul truck and got almost everything else moved. And after work we continued with another couple of car loads of the stuff that was left over. Wednesday evening when I got out of work I came home and decided that I was going to get my Christmas tree up. The unpacking could wait until the next day. Needless to say, my Christmas tree is up and has lights on it, but I was too exhausted to put any ornaments on! Tonight Austin and I did a load from the kitchen because neither Michael nor I have felt like packing it up or moving it! We've ate out the last three nights because of this so tomorrow I'll actually get to cook a meal here! Of course Austin and I made a much needed trip to the grocery store tonight so we actually have food that we can eat here now! Needless to say, Michael has done a great job getting everything moved this week! I can't lift much so he's been a real trooper!

I had my bi-weekly appointment with Dr. L today. I must say that I did much better at controlling the weight gain the last two weeks. Two pounds in two weeks isn't bad! Her heartbeat sounded great like always! It's always so interesting to hear their little heartbeats! I then asked Dr. L the question that has been on my mind for a while. "When do we determine how big she is and how big she's going to get!" After I explained the difficult time I had with Austin and how much he weighed, Dr. L thought that maybe we could do an ultrasound at 38 weeks to see how big she is at that point. Considering that Austin weighed 8 lbs 11 oz at 39 weeks, he could have easily been 9 lbs 11 oz at 40 weeks. Dr. L is going to keep an eye on how things progress in the next 8 weeks and if determined by himself or an ultrasound that she's going to be big like Austin, he will induce labor at 39 weeks. Isn't he great! So although I've been completely exhausted lately, I can't say the same about the baby! This girl is a mover. She is getting pretty good at sticking her butt out and making my belly look lopsided. I have determined that she has made her way into a head down position as something is constantly moving at the top of my belly! What I would give just to be able to see what she's doing in there!

So as the countdown to Christmas continues, so will the unpacking! Hopefully we’ll have everything taken care of by Christmas. I’ve decided that it’s not worth it to overwhelm myself with trying to get everything done. Having the whole weekend to get things situated will be nice! Well, I can tell that it’s time to call it a night as my typing is no longer making much sense! One more day of work and then the weekend!

Happy Birthday!

myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics

Uncle Aaron

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Shaving with Daddy

Austin has a plastic pretend razor just like Daddy and likes to shave his face while Daddy does his. They decided yesterday that Austin needed shaving cream on his face just like Daddy too. Here are some cute pictures!

Gotta love that smile!

Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Photo Shoot

Austin and I had a mini photo shoot on Saturday for a picture that I could place in our Christmas cards. Although we didn't use this one, I thought it was cute. And yes, that's drool on his shirt! He's almost three and constantly needs to be reminded to swallow because he forgets and drools on himself. One of these days he'll grow up, probably faster than I'd like...

Tuesday, December 5, 2006


Well, we've managed to find a house to rent! We sign the lease on Monday morning and can then start to move things in. Of course I have to get the water and electricity connected on Monday, but I'm hoping to set it up for first thing in the morning. Michael has enlisted the help of a couple of his buddies and they will be moving the big things on Tuesday. As my condition puts me in a state where I can not help move the big things, I will be going to work and hoping that all of my stuff makes it to the new house in one piece. Well, makes it there in the first place is more like it! Someone has a habit of not knowing where things end up if they move them without my help, I won't mention their name but I'm sure you all have a good idea about who I'm talking about...

I will be sending out a mass email with our new address. If you do not receive the email and wish to know what our new address is, you can email me at For our security, I will not be posting the new address on the website! We will be picking up the keys for our mail on Monday, so I would assume that it would be safe to start sending to the new address next week.

I am so excited that I'm going to be able to set up my Christmas tree and decorations by this time next week! Austin is going to be so excited that we finally get to put up our Christmas tree. Every time we go to the grocery store we have to go look at the Christmas trees!

Week 29 is here! Only 11 more weeks to go if I go until my due date. Here's some information about what's going on inside her world:

Your baby now weighs about 2 1/2 pounds and is a tad over 15 inches long from head to heel. Her muscles and lungs are continuing to mature, and her head is growing bigger to accommodate her brain -- which is busy developing billions of neurons. With her rapid growth, it’s no surprise that your baby's nutritional needs reach their peak during this trimester. To keep yourself and her well nourished, you'll need plenty of protein, vitamin C, folic acid, iron and calcium. (About 200 milligrams of calcium is deposited in your baby's skeleton -- which is now hardening -- every day.)

Saturday, December 2, 2006

Watching a movie

When Austin saw this picture on the computer he stated that he was "Watching Potty Time with Bear." I can't imagine how he would know that, he watches that movie at least once a day! Now if he would only pay attention to what the movie was trying to teach him, we might be a little further along with the whole potty training thing...

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers