36% Boy
64% Girl
Majority rules; the baby is in fact a girl!
It wasn't the easiest finding out that the baby was a girl. Austin and I learned that this baby is very stubborn! She was very modest and didn't want her Mommy and big brother to know that she was a girl. Other than being a girl, she is healthy and her heartbeat is beating at 147 beats per minute! Here are some pictures of our new little girl!
No outside plumbing, it's a girl!
Side profiles. It was really hard to get a good side profile of the baby because she kept her face pressed against the placenta the whole time. No amount of poking and prodding was going to move her away from it! The second picture is a little clearer with her ribs on the left and head on the right.
Front profiles. Ribs on the left, face on the right. The thing that sticks out the most is her nose with her eyes just above!
This is by far the cutest picture of them all! Although she was shy about letting us know that she was a girl, she was happy to show one of her little feet! Yes, those would be her toes sticking up straight in the air with her toes spread way apart on the left hand side! The line going horizontally accross is her other leg crossed over the leg showing the "big foot" (or the big fot as the ultrasound technician stated)!
All in all it was exciting finally finding out that the baby is a girl! We can now really starting telling and teaching Austin about his little sister! Daddy has been telling him that the baby is his sister all along, now we can really talk about it! Austin made his first official big brother purchase after finding out that he was going to have a little sister! His favorite part was posing for the picture!
I have a feeling that he is going to fall in love with his sister! That is, after the fact of getting used to the idea that she's not going anywhere and she is going to get some of Mommy's attention too! We'll have to wait and see!
Here are some other pictures of Austin from this weekend! We went to the Air Force base where Daddy is at school in San Antonio! Austin got to see some cool planes and we even went to the zoo! Here are some pictures of Austin and the airplanes! Look for the zoo pictures to come in a later post!