Austin has been into watching movies lately! On this occasion he was watching a movie and eating grapes! I love how he kicks his feet up to relax and rock himself!
Here's Austin's way of cleaning his ears with q-tips! I asked him to get a couple q-tips so that I could clean out his ears and he brought them to me like this!
All of these pictures were too cute not to post! It amazes me that he has the attention span at two and a half years old to sit at the table and play with Play Doh for 45 minutes to an hour! He had a blast making shapes and worms, evident by all of his goofy faces!
Some of you might have seen it and some of you may not. If you look under our picture on the right you'll see a little poll that I'm conducting! Make your choice and vote! If you just want to see the results make sure boy or girl is not checked and then select the Vote tab. (That makes me feel like I'm at work...instructing people on where to go on a website to do certain things!) I know we have a few more weeks until we find out what the sex of the baby is, but I wanted to have a little fun to see what people are thinking. After you've voted, leave a comment for this post letting us know which one you picked! I don't know who has voted so far, but after you vote you'll find out which sex is in the lead...