Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Ear update!

Daddy took Austin to see Dr "R" yesterday for his 1 year post op appointment. Finally after the third attempt at this appointment they got to see Dr R. He told the guys that Austin's right tube is still in place but the tube in his left ear is about to fall out! Austin has to go back in 3 months to determine if just the left tube or maybe both have fallen out by then!

Everything is going good down here lately. We've had a little bit of a break from the 100 degree weather this week! It's only been in the 90's most of the week! Today was a little chilly when we left for work and "pool" (translation: school), it was only 67 degrees outside! Sounds nice to some people, but it's usually around 80 degrees when we leave the house around 7:15 in the morning!

This week marks week 15 of 40 in my pregnancy! Only 5 more weeks until I have my second ultrasound and we can find out the sex of the baby! 2 out of the 4 pregnant women at work are having girls, maybe I'll join the trend, or maybe I'll go against the trend! We shall see, 5 more weeks to wait!

As I write this update, Austin is sitting on the floor next to me singing "Happy Birthday to me..." and playing with his weed whacker. He has become quite the singer since going to school (daycare) full time! He is constantly singing a song whether it's his ABC's, the Bumble Bee song, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, BINGO, Row Row Row your Boat, or his choice tonight, Happy Birthday to Me! He is quite the character! Here's some cute pictures of him really concentrating on playing Thomas on his Leap Pad!

Hope Uncle Duane is feeling better, we're thinking about him!

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

One year ago...

Today is Austin's one year anniversary for his tubes! He's going to the doctor later this afternoon to find out if they are still in his ears or if they have fallen out. I don't beleive that they have fallen out yet. He's had some drainage from his right year the last couple of months indicating that the tubes are still doing their job!

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Good (grouchy) Morning Austin!

Watching his morning cartoons! He gets so mad when I have to turn Little Einstein's off in the morning!

Those of you who know Austin really well know what he's asking for in this picture! "More juice please" with his little demanding voice!

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

The Bird-day Party

Sorry it's taken me a while to put pictures on here. For some reason I couldn't upload photos!

Here's Austin after playing pin the number on the car at his friends birthday party!

Here's Daddy playing pin the number on the car!

Swinging for the fence...I mean swinging at the pinata! It's pretty bad when your kid is 2 1/2 and your teaching him to keep his eye on what he's hitting! I'm sure he will one day be a baseball player!

Riding with his friend in his new car! Austin thought he was a pro at driving a power wheel since he has his tractor. He wanted to drive rather than ride!

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Saturday morning

Saturday morning I decided to do some laundry and cleaning upstairs. As you can see, Austin found plenty of things to play with while I was accomplishing this!

Not only did he decide to get out all of his toys, he wanted to get out his tent too! I was putting some of his clothes away and he saw all of his stuffed animals. Not only did he want to get them out, he proceeded to dump all of them on the floor. Dumping all of his toys on the floor seemed to be a trend yesterday, noticeable by the picture above! In this picture he's playing cars with the Monkey! After playing cars with the monkey he piled animals in his tent an then dove into the tent! I don't know where he came up with that one but he thought it was pretty funny!

Smiling for the camera while he's playing in his tent. I tried to get him to take a nap by putting his pillow and blanket in there by he didn't want any part of going to sleep. He thought it was pretty funny to lay down in there and even invited Mommy to join him, "Lay down with Austin Mommy!" It was a little tight with both of us laying in there!

Peek! Austin posing for a picture with the Monkey again! He's so silly! After this I made him get ready to go to a birthday party. He'd been talking about the birthday party for a week, he was so excited. I'll post some pictures from the party at a later date! All of the kids got to play pin the number on the car (it was a Cars themed party), including the Daddy's! They were pretty silly! Anyways, we will talk to everyone soon! Hope everyone had a great weekend!

Wednesday, August 9, 2006

Something to make you smile

Not the greatest picture because I cut his head off, but what can you do when he's right there in your face all the time!

Doesn't he make you smile! I love him...

Monday, August 7, 2006

How tall am I?

He wasn't standing up as tall as he can, but you get the idea...

Just add an inch!

Thursday, August 3, 2006

Anybody need their weed's trimmed?

What a great smile! He has a little bit of a cookie mouth! Isn't he funny! The bottom part lights up and spins when he pushes the button on the handle!

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers