Saturday, November 12, 2011

Fun in the snow!

The snow continues to come down here in Alaska! This afternoon the kids piled on their snow gear and headed out to play! They started out in the backyard while I finished preparing our dinner.

Then we headed out to the front yard. I did a little shoveling, of the driveway and of the yard!

Austin did some "extreme" sledding

What a white picture!

While Austin was sledding, Abigail was trying to find something to do. She thought she could play soccer in the snow! Um...I don't think so!

There he goes!

Abigail did a little pouting too!

She was mad that I got her picture in the fort because Austin wasn't in the picture.

So, Austin took a picture with her and she was happy again.

Until I wouldn't take her picture. So I started to take her picture again.

And again.

And some more. We had a mini photo shoot!

Of course we had to get some snow angels into the yard. Austin had to show Abigail how to do it.

And then she did it all by herself!

When we were all done playing (and shoveling) we came in for a little warm treat. Hot cocoa with snowman marshmallows! Yum!

Actually getting along. So cute!

Now we're getting ready to enjoy some dinner! Yummm!

1 comment:

Grandma Ringman said...

Look at all that snow and it's only the middle of Nov.

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