Sunday, November 6, 2011

More snow!

We woke up this morning to about 5 inches of new snow! It's still snowing and we're predicted to get another 1-2 inches today and another 1-2 inches tonight!

{This is our house!}

I think it's a good day to stay inside (with the occasional driveway shoveling)!

The camera kept picking up the snowflakes in the pictures!

So with all the snow in the pictures, it looks like our weather prediction just might be coming true!

Where's Grandpa Ringman's tractor with the snowplow when you need it?


Linda said...

I'm sure you will see significantly more snow than in MI sorry to say! Not to rub it in or anything, but we have had some uncommonly warm weather for this time of year for us. You can bet it wont last long!!! Hoping you are enjoying your lovely home and your community. Wishing you and your family happiness in the north country!

Love you!
Aunt Linda

P.S. Are you closer to Santa now? ; )

Angela said...

Riley and Brenden would love to have that snow here in Washington. I think I could handle it for a few days too. I miss having snow in the winter and on Christmas morning. Stay warm.

Love your house too. Very nice.

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