Sunday, November 27, 2011

Our Elf on the Shelf

We adopted an elf this year! If you haven't heard about The Elf on the Shelf before click here for the story.

On Thanksgiving we read the book that came with our elf. At the end of the book we had to pick a name for our elf and decide if it was going to be a boy or a girl. We named our elf "Ernie" after the great Ernie Harwell! The morning after Thanksgiving, the kids woke up to a letter from Santa and the elf sitting on the potpourri in the living room.

Day 1

On day 2 Ernie was sitting on the window sill. After he flies to the North Pole every night to give Santa his report on Austin and Abigail he comes back and positions himself in a different spot.

Day 3, Ernie found his way onto the Christmas tree after returning from the North Pole.

And a bonus picture of the whole Christmas tree and stockings!

One of these days I'll get around to posting pictures of the whole house!

1 comment:

Grandma Ringman said...

Wow Ernie must be a very important elf to be assign to Austin and Abigail.

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