Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The big snow plow!

I got some good pictures of how they pick up the snow yesterday. They stopped right in front of our house! Here's a big truck full of snow!

You can see the tip of the snow plow truck throwing the snow into the trailer.

See that big blade on the front in between the trailer tires?

And here's the truck with the big snow blower on it! They filled up the trailer and than sat in front of the house waiting on the next trailer. The guy driving the truck probably thought I was the weirdest lady, standing in my doorway taking a picture!

Here's our maize and blue snowman! He walked through the middle of the yard when he got off the bus yesterday!

The pictures of Austin were taken at 4 pm, it's starting to get darker around that time with the time change on Sunday.

1 comment:

Grandma Ringman said...

Knee deep in only two snow days. Austin will need to build a snow tunnel to get back and forth from the bus.

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