Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Here are some pictures from Austin's turkey lunch yesterday at school.

Abigail and I pulled our chairs up to Austin's desk to eat our lunch.

After lunch, the kids read their "Angry Turkey" stories aloud. They all wrote their own stories.

It was fun to hear all the different stories they came up with! They all put their pictures up on the projector so the whole class could see them.

On to our Thanksgiving feast! It was just us again this year, but that didn't stop us from making a big dinner! I love cooking my turkey in a bag, it's so good!

All the goodies to go with it!

Yummmm, my favorite! You can't have Thanksgiving without sweet potatoes!

The turkey without the bag.

Carving the turkey!

We've had lunch and we're ready for a nap!


This is a picture of Austin's place mat from school. I love what he's thankful for!

- My family


-Frinds (friends)

- I am thankful for my pet Lexi

Love him!

And a finished picture of the napkins! I love how they turned out, I might have to make some for myself!

Happy Thanksgiving!

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