Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Our first Halloween in Alaska! The most unusual part of a Halloween costume, snow boots!

What a look! This little girl was a trick or treating fool tonight!

Ready with her horse and her trick or treat bag!

Look out Abigail!

First stop, home! Daddy hooked them up with some candy before they even got started!

Thanks Daddy!

Trick or treating with snow on the ground!

Brrrrrr! Check out those rosy noses! We started out with snow on the ground, and returned home with it actually snowing.

Look at all that loot! Abigail outlasted her brother while trick or treating. Austin had to go to the bathroom (not once, but twice) and decided to stay home after the second time. Abigail wanted to go some more so off we went!

By the time we got home Austin was already out of his costume and on the computer playing a game.

I didn't get hardly any pictures of Austin, but Abigail was more than willing to participate!

I made her shirt to match her costume! At least it's cute and she can wear it again! I also made their Halloween bags and they were a big hit at the houses they visited!

1 comment:

Grandma Ringman said...

Looks like Abigail really enjoyed Trick or treating. Maybe she will share her candy with her Mommy and Daddy.

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